Use the long-text form field to note down your thoughts on how to do better tomorrow. With these self-care plan ideas, inspiration and checklist, you’ll be able to start taking better care of yourself, feel totally refreshed & recharged, and increase your self-esteem. The WHO has famously stated that there can be no health without mental health 1. See the information from today's checklist below (it'll save you going back through this checklist): Glow Up Challenge + 5 Pages of Printables, Including Daily Trackers to Keep You Motivated Why You Should Simplify Your Life and Tips for Making it Happen Managing Stress as a Busy Mom A Few Tips You can also find MomsWhoSave on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Use this list to help you decide which self-care strategies will work for you. There are several ways you can find balance, be aware of your needs, and make connections.
Track the emotional residue you’re taking home from your professional work. Taking Care of Yourself During this time, you and your colleagues may be experiencing different reactions. Let others supplement and enhance your self-monitoring. Contract for some honest feedback from significant others about your workweek, functioning, and self-care.

Record checklist detailsīased on your evaluation of today's 8 dimensions of wellness, how could you have made your day even better? What would you do differently tomorrow? Consider posting your action plan to bolster your compliance and to model self-care to peers and patients. As such, you can edit this checklist to suit your needs. This checklist is designed to be used in conjunction with our Morning Routine checklist, our Evening Routine Checklist, and our Annual Self-Care Planner. Once a task has been completed, check it off and move forward. In this checklist, you will be provided with a set of specialized questions designed to be populated with your specific data. The following Organizational Self-Care Checklist is designed to provide organiza- tions with new ideas and concrete examples of what it means to promote a. Use this checklist as a guide for the types of activities and daily habits you should incorporate to live more fully, to be healthier, happier, and more productive. Neglecting of one will, over time, adversely affect others and ultimately one's health, well-being, and life quality. Time must be spent on each one of these dimensions. Wellness/well-being/self-care uses 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: Physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. This checklist will keep you on track by assessing your wellbeing day-to-day and guiding you to keep improving.

Our Daily Self-Care Checklist has been created for you to live more fully on a day-to-day basis. It is about fuelling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing your spirit. But wellness means so much more! Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. People often think about wellness in terms of physical health - nutrition, exercise, weight management, etc.